Join us for our next Dock-u-mentary film screening!
Hosted in partnership with New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park, Dock-u-mentaries is a free film series that explores themes and topics related to the commercial fishing industry and the working waterfront.
On April 18, FHC will be screening A Watershed Moment. This film tells the story of an all-hands effort involving fishermen, three coastal Maine communities, non-profit organizations, and state and federal management agencies to restore fish passage throughout the entire Bagaduce River Watershed in Maine. These grassroots efforts to bring back alewife, a keystone species that has allowed fishing communities to thrive have been remarkably successful. An unlikely group of partners, the story of this partnership is rooted in collaboration and can act as a beacon of hope for other communities and watersheds involved in fish passage restoration and community-driven science and stewardship. A Watershed Moment is a story about people, fish, and the water that connects them. Total runtime: 41 minutes
In the event of a government shutdown, the documentary will be screened at the New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center (38 Bethel Street, New Bedford). Check out our website ( or follow us on Facebook or Instagram for more updates.
Dock-u-mentary film screenings will always be a free program. Please consider making a donation to support the Fishing Heritage Center’s programs and events.